Soul Attachment Therapy is the latest course offering of the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts. Under development for the last four years, Russell describes this process as the most transformative he has witnessed with his clients and a deep dive into the mysteries of the metaphysical. This course is designed for the advanced professional, but a personal focus could be beneficial when the mentor sessions are followed through with intention for personal transformation with a trusted practitioner.
The aim of the soul its enlightenment and the path toward that goal is clear. The release of soul attachments to anything that leads to unhealthy expressions, is part of the process that leads to awakening and enlightenment. With plenty of trials needed to perfect the treatment, this module goes into the depth of understanding the energy behind the unhealthy parts that represents extension of the self. When called into action, a program begins to run. That program might have helped with performance and coping in the past, but now does not match the evolved self. This often leads to some form of sabotage.
Soul Attachment therapy comes with a price that includes three mentor session with Russell, to help with the absorption of information and the support of the processing with such a transformative process. In this module, you will learn the following:
- understanding a soul attachment and how they form
- learning about the multiple categories involved
- the five levels of a soul attachment
- case studies, exercises, and examples
- articles and different views
- energy assessment of an attachment
- multiple creative approach to the issue
- self-assessments
- the body talk method developed by Russell and the IEL Institute
- functional integration
- FAQ’s and Internship
- 3 mentor sessions included
As a new offering with such value, this module begins at $999 and includes 3 mentor session that represent half of the personal investment. Contact Russell for a free consultation if interested in the course, then start your new journey today.
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