5.2 Master Energy Intuitive
Past-Life Therapy
Past-life energies are just that, energies. With past-life energy, there is a thread that connects the eternal energy of the soul to individual emotions, patterns, personalities, behaviors, and beliefs formed in this lifetime. The angelic realm refers to past life energy as a partial system, one aspect of the entire energy body. By determining the possible energetic effects of a past-life experience, whether considered traumatic or not, the balancing of the energy can have a positive long-lasting benefit.
This online course teaches the methods and beneficial aspects of working with past-life energy, which is not dependent on an individual’s belief in other lifetimes, as the results speak for themselves. Thousands of people have found that past-life therapy has proven to be one of the most powerful and effective techniques for removing blockages in relationships, careers, family, health, prosperity, and overall wellness. Past-life therapy can be a gateway to positive change.
Balancing past-life energy is effective and beneficial in healing unexplained aches, chronic pains, fears, behavioral patterns, karmic energy, and trauma. It can also reveal, or reawaken, hidden spiritual gifts of knowledge, insights, and wisdom. This course includes eight tutorial videos to complement the teachings.
Under this program, you will conclude with a greater understanding of the following.
- past lives from an energetic perspective
- triggers that awaken the past-life energy
- ego
- accessing the Akashic records
- symptoms of past-life related emergency imbalance
- how to assess and identify past-life energy
- step-by-step instructions
- exercise
- meditations
- the subtle nuances of a past life
- matching historical context
- meditations and methods used to balance past-life energy
- functional integration
- past-life fragmentation
- learning through case studies
- articles that explain
- certification in past-life therapy
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