1.1 Intuitive Communication
Angel Whispers
We designed this Angel Communication Course to help with intuitive communication by opening to your natural gifts. The angelic realm can provide a safe, effect, evidence-oriented connection to divinity. You can have fun while learning about the intuitive senses and how to use your gifts personally or to help others. A fun class tailored to fit the needs of each student will sharpen the senses, bringing clarity to the path of growing intuitive intelligence and building trust in your skills.
Each participant will discover their organic and natural abilities to receive and interpret the loving communications from the angelic realm. Everyone has gifts of senses beyond the body and with practice, old programs that block intuition can lift. This is one of the most comprehensive programs in the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, with 16 tutorial videos and a certification process that will quickly lead you to graduating with confidence
Under this program, you will conclude with a greater understanding of the following.
- angels and their role in our lives
- identifying the Claire senses
- using angel Oracle Cards
- how to connect with angels to receive or deliver a reading
- receiving daily guidance for yourself and others
- divergent thinking
- signs of connection
- working with tools
- using a pendulum
- crystals and angels
- types of readings
- manifesting with angels
- conflict resolution
- channeled writing
- healing addictions
- learning through case studies
- articles that explain
- certification
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